
First Baptist Church of Elgin, Illinois, has a long history of being mission minded. Part of that is reflected in the decision made many years ago to give a percentage (currently ten percent) of every dollar received for operating expenses towards missions.

The Missions Team is responsible for interviewing potential missionary, partners, and mission organizations to determine whom we will support. The Team seeks to promote missions near and far, meeting with the missionaries when they are in the area and inviting the church body to join us. The Team prays for each of the missionaries and agencies and keeps up to date with what is happening in their work.

The Mission Team of First Baptist Church of Elgin strives to fulfill the Great Commission by promoting, supporting, and encouraging local, national, and international missionaries and mission activities.

In accordance with the bylaws of First Baptist Church, the Missions Team shall:

  • Prepare an annual budget recommendation for missions;
  • Administer the approved missions budget;
  • Maintain communications with supported missionaries and agencies;
  • Plan and conduct mission promotions, education, and awareness events;
  • Keep the congregation informed of the church’s mission ministry, significant mission programs and trends, and the needs of the world.