View this email in your browserClick here to download a printer friendly version.![]() March 2025 As Brent retired he said, “As long as MFI continues to have only one flight each day, you should do well as you step into this role.” As we started into January, both Spirit and American Airlines began to cancel flights into Haiti. This led to an increase in passenger demand. So now, we are flying into Haiti with both airplanes on the same day multiple times a month. The pace has been a bit breakneck. God is providing the stamina, but there are many late nights on the day before the flight getting both airplanes ready to go and the paperwork prepared so nothing comes back. I’ve begun to train my assistant who can fill in when we are on deputation or vacation. Please pray for wisdom and good communication on my part in that some of the tasks do not come easily for him but he is willing to fill this role as it is desperately needed. ![]() Rainbow after an afternoon rain Port-au-Prince is still closed to U.S. aircraft at this time. For those missions located on the northern side of the city, they have started making the journey to cities where we are able to fly in order to still be able to access supplies. This has increased our cargo loads to those locations at the same time that as the increase in passenger demand. Please continue to pray for Haiti as the gangs control much of Port-au-Prince and are trying new routes to take control of areas that they do not currently control. Please pray for MFI for the staff and the airplanes that we will be able to continue at the pace required to meet the needs of those we serve. . ![]() Sam taking pictures of the new plane ![]() Sam and the new plane An exciting development at MFI is that the third DC-3 in our fleet has finally been delivered with its fresh coat of paint. We are so grateful of God’s provision of another airplane to help MFI be able to serve those in the Caribbean. Our maintenance team is now hard at work finishing out the standardization of the aircraft and doing the inspections to be able to bring this into our maintenance program. Please pray for them as they continue to maintain our existing fleet and ready this new plane for beginning its time at MFI. Thank you for your faithfulness in love, prayers, and support as we serve at MFI. James and Sam Gabhart Save the Date: We are traveling to Spokane for the Moody Missions Conference as a family! We will be in town from May 17th through May 30th. Email, call, or text to set up a time to get together. We are anticipating a great time of updating and sharing what God is doing at Missionary Flights with everyone. We also look forward to getting updates on your families too!If you are not currently receiving our monthly Prayerline with items you can pray for daily for our family and Missionary Flights, please click here to update your preferences to be added to that mailing list. Family News When we think about time, it’s amazing to realize just how fleeting it is. The kids have been doing wonderfully with their first year in the new curriculum program we discovered this year. Each one of them is flourishing. Some of their courses are year long courses, while other just a few weeks, but it’s so wonderful to see just how well they are thriving with this program. We greatly appreciate the flexibility that we have with it, as well as the true enjoyment each of them is having with what they are studying. The gift of the scholarship program for each of them has been the biggest blessing in it all. We have been able to obtain desks, chairs, bookcases, subscription kits, and even Lego for them all to enjoy in their various areas of interest. We want to share some incredible moments that have to do with Jon. He will be 17 in early March, and we have begun “countdown to adulthood”. He is working regularly on being clearer with his speech, learning how to cook new things in the kitchen, and even attended his first Night to Shine event in February. Night to Shine is an event put on by the Tim Tebow Foundation around the country for one night a year, a special needs prom. Sam had the ability to be the photographer for the one in our area. Jon had a wonderful buddy who came up to Sam at several points to praise just how smart, intelligent, and wonderful Jon is. Jon even invited her to our church, and she came that first Sunday. He was so proud to introduce his new friend to everyone. ![]() Jon at Night to Shine ![]() ![]() As we look forward to this year, there are a lot of changes we hope to have in store for our family. We are in process of hopefully buying our first home. While there are still a few steps before we move from paying someone else’s mortgage to our own, we are constantly reminding each other that this is God’s house that we get the honor of living in. We would welcome your prayers in this as we start to walk down this road. ![]() Praises and Prayer Requests Praise that Kathy’s knee replacement surgery went well. Prayer for her recovery in rehab. Prayer for wisdom in parenting our growing teenagers and balancing work and home; for clear direction regarding the house purchase. Praise for our faithful supporters, both in prayer and financially. Prayer for God to bless their consistency to support the work He is doing. Prayer for MFI in the needed wisdom in filling open positions, and for God to provide the correct people to fill them. Praise for the special gifts that come through at just the right time if support is short that month Ministry Update We are so thankful to all who are following God’s leading in supporting us. The MFI Board increased our support level to $6,300 monthly. We currently average $5,800 (92%) monthly support. We need an additional $500 to be fully supported each month.Online Giving: Checks to: 3170 Airmans Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Memo: Gabharts #2837Click here to download a printer friendly version.Copyright © 2025 Gabharts Flying By Faith, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you requested to receive communications from us. Our mailing address is: Gabharts Flying By Faith742 Forster AvenueSebastian, Florida 32958Add us to your address book. |