As we move out of November and into December, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the things for which we are thankful before we charge into the anticipation of the Advent season. We are so grateful for the opportunity to spend time with those of you in the Midwest this past September. We felt loved and cared for through your hospitality and the opportunities for us to share the work God is doing through Missionary Flights.
We returned to MFI at the end of September and fell right into the Christmas “rush” as several of the mission organizations prepared ahead of time to make sure that their Christmas gifts were in their missionaries’ hands by Christmas. We are thankful that this year looks more like Christmas in years previous. Those missions sending gifts have found ways to safely receive their supplies while Haiti continues to spiral as the gangs over-run the country. We are also thankful that we serve the Sovereign Ruler of the universe who is accomplishing His perfect plan for His glory. It
is easier to serve in these chaotic conditions knowing that there is a plan and God gets the glory – now and in the end.

As we look forward to December, we know that we are entering a busy time. At this point in the hangar, we have about four airplane loads worth of cargo that we need to get to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, plus a host of passengers as well. Please continue to pray for MFI during this season – that the pilots will remain healthy, that the aircraft will remain operating in good order, and that the weather will remain clear so that we can complete these flights.

One additional item of prayer for the beginning of the year is that MFI is entering another
season of transition. We have several staff members leaving at the end of the year to pursue different ministry opportunities and a couple of new staff members looking to start in the new year. Pray that we navigate this transition well and that God will bring additional staff members to cover any gaps from this personnel change. Also, please pray that we continue to serve our missionaries well through all of these changes.
Thank you for your love, prayers, and support as we serve at MFI.
James and Sam Gabhart
Family News
December is here and it s hard to believe that another year has passed. It is also hard to believe that we have two teenagers in the house now. That s right, Chris has now joined the ranks of teenager-dom. We often wonder where the little boy has gone that came into our world 13 years
ago, but we also look forward to the young man he is developing into and praise Jesus for him.

On the home school front, the kids have settled into a good rhythm overall since being back from deputation. There s an interesting new layer because Jonny is a high school student, we need to keep grades for him. This new challenge brings about some good points as to how we
want to shape our kids to be ready for the adult world. Setting expectations and following through on them on the grading front has added an interesting dynamic to our little homeschool. While we are uncertain what the future holds for Jonny, setting the precedent of working
hard, in spite of his challenges, is where our focus is. It’s in God’s hands as to if he will attend college or not, but we will be prepared regardless. As we look toward Christmas, we find ourselves being thankful for an amazing church body. We will have many opportunities to gather in December and prepare our hearts for the Christmas season. As usual, James will have his post with the tech team since Christmas Eve services are all-hands-on-deck days. Sam has been serving with the first impressions team and has been asked to assist for Christmas Eve services too. One new addition this year will be Abby and some of our kid’s ministry children performing a special skit for both services. Abby’s role for the skit is one of leadership and direction. Those who know her well can already imagine how fitting this role will be for her.
Praises and Prayer Requests
- Prayer for Haiti and the continued turmoil, kidnappings, and hurting hearts and for wisdom and safety for the missionaries continuing to serve there
- Prayer for transitions at MFI as new people arrive and a few leave for new ministry opportunities
- Prayer for wisdom regarding vehicles and what is the best solution as they have maintenance issues
- Prayer for the ability to find housing and funding to own rather than continue to rent
- Prayer for Sam s mom’s upcoming surgery to be scheduled soon and for its success
- Prayer for God to bless our ministry partners in their consistency to support the work He is doing
Ministry Update
We are so thankful to all who are following God’s leading in supporting us. The Board
increased our support level to $6100 monthly. We currently receive $5,800 (95%)
in monthly commitments. We need an additional $300 to be fully supported.
Online Giving:
Mail Checks to:
3170 Airmans Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34946
Memo: Gabharts #2837