We have returned to Illinois for our summer home assignment. We are so excited to be home, but nervous, too. Travel can be difficult. Please pray for us!
This is the end of our second 5-year term of service with International Ministries, so we will attend the Conference for Missionaries (known as CFM or “Sea-Foam”) in July. The conference gives us a time of renewal, and we look forward to the next five years in Hungary.
Thank you so much for making this possible!
We reflect with joy over the friendships we’ve made during our 10 years with International Ministries. Your prayers, ongoing support, and project donations have touched countless lives with the love of Jesus.
We are currently 77% of our personal support goal. This is the ongoing support that “keeps the lights on.” While one-time donations are vital to our ministries in the schools in Hungary and communities in Serbia, the ongoing support—pledged monthly, quarterly, or annually—is the key to our presence here in Central Europe.
If you’ve never partnered with us in ongoing support, could we ask you to join us now? Even small amounts given monthly sustain our ministry over the years. If you do give regularly, we would like to ask you to prayerfully consider an increase in your support.
Évzáró: School’s Out for Summer!
My friend and English teacher Csilla leads the 8th grade class into the graduation ceremony
We have completed our 9th school year in Hungary—time flies! I had the privilege of watching these students grow from children into young adults. Thank you for sending us to share God’s love and the English language with them.
One of my 1st-graders drew this—I think it’s pretty good!
Larry loves to visit his Serbian friends
Larry has made several trips to Serbia so far this year, taking firewood, Easter packets (food and hygiene supplies), and his love.
May God continue to richly bless us as we continue sharing his abundant life!