January 16, 2023
Medical Relief in Ukraine
I’m so pleased to share a video with you from IM Global Consultant for Health Kristy Engel. Last month, Kristy, Global Servants Dr. Anita and Dr. Rick Gutierrez, and IM volunteer, Melissa Wolfson, traveled to Ukraine to help provide mobile medical clinics for people displaced by the war, at the invitation of IM partner Hungarian Baptist Aid.
You can hear more from Kristy about what the team saw and experienced in Ukraine through the video below.
Your gifts to world relief through International Ministries made this trip possible! Thank you for your partnership in bringing hope and practical care in Jesus’ name.
Charles Jones, Area Director for Europe, the Middle East and Liberia
Questions for Charles? Email us!

Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
One way in which you could honor his legacy is by supporting the Lott Carey National African American Missions Council (NAAMC) Scholarship Fund. These scholarships for Black missionary candidates help decrease the challenges they might experience in securing funding to serve in ministry. Learn more about the scholarship fund.

Join our Short-Term Mission staff and global servants on trips that will help you discover what God is doing around the world! We invite you to journey with us in 2023.
AMSTERDAM: April 17 – 25, 2023 / Learn more about the Amsterdam team (registration deadline 1/30/23)
JAPAN: April 27 – May 8, 2023 / Learn more about the Japan team (registration deadline 2/20/23)
LIBERIA: May 24 – June 2, 2023 / Learn more about the Liberia team (registration deadline 3/24/23)
NORWAY: July 2 – 9, 2023 / Learn more about the Norway team (registration deadline 4/7/23)
MISSION EXPRESS: March 15, 2023 / A virtual trip with Global Consultant Mylinda Baits on how art can be used for healing and holistic mission / Learn more (registration deadline 3/6/23)
House of Hope, Bolivia

This month on our homepage, we are highlighting the opportunity to support mobile medical and dental clinics for indigenous people in Cochabamba, Bolivia, through a project managed by Global Servant Rhonda Reed. The House of Hope partners with local doctors and dentists to bring mobile clinics to serve vulnerable populations in the city and surrounding provinces. Your support provides equipment and supplies for regular medical and dental care, as well as creating a ministry opportunity during the clinics for local churches to reach out to their communities.

Ministry of Accompaniment and Presence
Global Servants to the Dominican Republic Ketly and Vital Pierre
As the two of us continue our service in the Dominican Republic, we have asked ourselves: what is God’s call of service for us in this place and for this time?
We believe the 1.5 years we spent in the USA “in the desert” during Ketly’s breast cancer surgery and subsequent treatments were to prepare us for the present. “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18). We experienced so many uncertainties when we went to Boston, yet God provided people with open hearts and arms to welcome us and to provide for us. This outpouring of God’s love to us strengthened us to be God’s hands and feet once again here in La Romana. Also, I (Ketly) feel my ordination prepared me to be an example and an encouragement to other women in the D.R. who are called to pastoral ministry.
We find the spirit of Immanuel “God with us” helps us to accompany those who are sick and broken-hearted. One of our friends in La Romana named Orene is suffering from cancer, and God is giving me the opportunity to walk alongside her to provide spiritual, emotional, and physical support. I feel like I learned so much from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and that part of my ministry to those suffering from cancer is education – what to eat, how to rest, what questions to ask the doctor. Also, a young man we know named Joel was just diagnosed with stomach cancer, AND his father also just received a cancer diagnosis. God has prepared me to accompany them as they walk through this time of trial. Praise God that the family is strong in their faith, but the path ahead is not an easy one.
Immanuel “God with us” is also present in the start-up of the chaplaincy program at Good Samaritan Hospital in La Romana. In January, twenty-one volunteers from the area churches will work alternatively for several hours throughout the week as “angels of mercy” in the various wings of the hospital. This is a much-needed addition to the ministry of healing at Good Samaritan.
The Talita Cumi Girls Clubs have experienced Emmanuel “God with us” as many girls are finding Christ’s light, joy, and friendship through the weekly meetings in the various bateyes and La Romana. One mother related that her daughter’s attitude has changed from one of criticism and negativity to one of laughter and positivity.
One of our concerns this year is the increase of persecution of Haitian immigrants in La Romana. There is a sense of unease and fear among many of the Haitian community, and the Community Center is a place of rest and an oasis of peace in the midst of this chaos. Vital is accompanying many Haitian construction workers who need brotherly, physical, emotional, and spiritual support so they can live with dignity in the D.R. The goal is to have an organization to unify these men so they can be a mutual support to each other. Vital is also hoping that the Community Center will soon be able to create a “Job Board” so Haitian women looking for work can be connected with potential employers. We keep in mind this scripture: “You shall not oppress a stranger nor torment him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Exodus 23:9). Yes, Immanuel “God with us” is essential for these immigrants.
Through your prayers and your financial support you have been accompanying us as we minister. We are grateful and look forward to this continuing investment in our lives.
You help us to know Emmanuel “God with us” – THANK YOU!!