I have been blessed to serve both as a global servant and now on the home office staff with International Ministries, an organization that has been an important part of my family’s life for over twenty years.
In 2001, my wife, Terry, and I accepted a call to serve with International Ministries in Bulgaria where we served for seventeen years. During that time we partnered with the Bulgarian Baptist Union in various ministries—economic and community development, education, abolishing trafficking in persons and global slavery, and for a short time working with immigrants and refugees. We also had the opportunity to host several short-term mission teams. Through all the years we were blessed by the support of our partner in Bulgaria and by the staff at International Ministries.
In 2018, we felt that our time in Bulgaria was coming to a close. At the same time there was a position on the home office staff which I felt called to apply for, so in 2019 I transitioned to my current role as Director of Global Personnel Services.
When asked what this position involves, I often describe it as human resources for our global servants, and much of what I do falls into that category—compensation, benefits, health insurance, grants and allowances for specific location needs, etc.
But to me it is so much more.
It is helping provide member care for the global servants and families. It is being prepared to react to crises if they arise and assist in whatever way is necessary. It is about helping with transitions—from the beginning, through US/Puerto Rico assignments, and in retirement. But most importantly, it is walking alongside IM’s global servants so they can effectively live out God’s calling.
What is the best part of my job? The best part of my job is getting to hear amazing stories of what God is doing through IM’s global servants and partners around the world, and the stories of how God is calling the next generation to go and serve.
Tom Myers
Director of Global Personnel Services