Mobile eye clinic goes to Trou-du-Nord

Dear Loved Ones,
Greeting. We hope that each one of you is relatively in good condition to enjoy this Palm Sunday week end. We are anxious to wish you God’s speedy healing in whatever may be your condition.
Covid-29 has imposed to each living human being on this earth today some unique challenges. Those challenges, instead of limiting the staff of the eye clinic, they are created a unique opportunity for the staff to be close to their people.
Beside Covid-19, the insecurity and the limited resources for many of our people are limiting patients to go to the hospital unless the illness has gotten to the point of non-retour, the no turning point.
Each week the staff of the eye clinic pack to go to remote villages to treat people where those people live. Wednesdays of this past week they were in the city of Ouanaminthe where they treated 43 new cases without counting the retuning ones.
Last Friday they went to Trou-du-Nord where they saw 88 patients: 1 baby, 3 children, 50 women and 34 men. All those patients would not have this golden opportunity if the staff did not make this saving move. Some would wait until the situation gets worse before seeking professional help.
Wish you knew the impact of your fervent prayers, material, and financial support to the ministry of the eye clinic.
We join and add our voices to those of the staff and patients to express our deep gratitude for your love.
In Haiti,
Nzunga & Kihomi
Dear Supporters,
Although still limited on what they can do the eye clinic tries to respond to requests from pastors and priests to come to their location. They must use rented vehicles and other hassles to do this. However, help is on the way. We have received enough donated money to buy the truck and it will arrive around the first week of May. The big unknown is the duty and taxes that will be levied. Right now, we have about half a what we are estimating may be required. Covid has greatly reduced the income of custom agents so any leniency we have received in the past probably will not happen now. $4 or $5 thousand more is all we need. If you can help close this gap it will be greatly appreciated.
Happy Easter everyone. He has Risen!
In Christ,
Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener