2 year old eye saved by eye clinic

Greeting. In the photo you are looking at Rudy Lamorte, two years old from Gonaives. Her mother brought her to the clinic after they have tried all the cheap means to treat her. The situation of the little girl was worsening day by day and she was about to lose her right eye.
Many times, and over and over again, we receive cases where family members will start by applying what they think can help, then move to a clinic where the nurse with no solid training in ophthalmology will give an ointment or a drop to apply. By the time they come to us, it may be sometimes late to save the eyes.
Rudy Lamorte has a very serious problem with her cornea seeking a careful eye operation. Since we are the only clinic in the Northern Haiti operating on children free of charge, Rudy has been welcome. Next week, our team will take good care of the little girl.
We pray and hope that both mother and Rudy will return jumping and praising the Lord for the miracle of healing as the man at the beautiful gate.
Thank you for standing by our sides.
Yours in Haiti,
Nzunga & Kihomi
Dear supporters,
I cannot imagine having a sick child and no money or knowledge of what to do. In Haiti, the lack of money causes them to go the cheap route and the national religion of Voodoo tends to mislead them in the wrong direction. Sometimes if they know about the eye clinic getting there can be a major problem. The next journal will have more on the expanding remote clinic situation that makes a big difference.
Thank you for helping this little girl and many, many more.
In His Name,
Dennis Shewell deshewell@gmail.com
Nzunga and Kihomi Missionary Partnership team.