Easter message from Rev. Sharon Koh

Easter message from Rev. Sharon Koh

Happy Easter 2021!On behalf of International Ministries, our CEO/Executive Director Sharon Koh wishes you a happy Easter in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


You Mean We Have to Talk to One Another?!

Listen to the latest episode of our Short-Term Mission office’s podcast, Bridges 4 Mission, as Pastor Dennis Strawn shares how short-term mission trips impacted him and formed a circle of friendships between his Illinois church and Costa Rica: https://bridgesformission.buzzsprout.com/1358701/7942513-you-mean-we-have-to-talk-to-one-another.



Congo Medical Residency

When you support the Congo Medical Residency project you provide medical residents with quality training at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as they prepare to serve in remote hospitals throughout the region. This residency program was started in the 1970s by well-known IM missionary Dr. Dan Fountain and re-purposed in 2015 as a means to raise up and equip Congolese doctors to provide health care in rural areas. Access to trained doctors impacts mortality rates, decreases lifestyle-related diseases, improves nutrition, and increases overall public health. This program recruits teachers from Europe and the U.S., who volunteer time to train the students. You can learn more about the program here: https://www.internationalministries.org/congo-medical-residency-program/. Join us in asking God to raise up medical students who will impact the communities where they will serve.