Scott and Tan September 2024

I had been planning for some time to write a newsletter.  But, as you probably know me well, by now I could always find just one more thing to do before getting started on it,  so it gets delayed and delayed.  No I have to send you at least a short update as life has just turned upside down. 

Many of you may have seen or heard by now,  possibly through International Ministries,  that Northern parts of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand and Eastern Burma all got hit by the tail of a typhoon last week which has caused heavy flooding in all four countries.  Vietnam is reporting over 240 dead,  over half of that number from a landslide that took out one village.  Accurate information on Burma and Laos is not so easy to get,  but we are seeing reports of severe damage in Burma with at least 160 dead and counting.  Even the capital of Burma,  NayPyiTaw,  was flooded badly.  

Our home province of Chiang Rai was also severely damaged.  The flood came into the city and damaged most of the downtown.  Almost all the communities near the river were hit hard. Upstream,  in the hills,  many villages near the river have seen complete destruction.  Our home,  near the river,  was also flooded.  But thanking the Lord that it is just a lot of mud that we have to deal with and no significant damage.  We got most everything up in time before we rushed out at 10 pm on Wednesday night – just as the water rushed in.   At least a dozen other missionary families were flooded out.  Some lost absolutely everything. 

The flood of the century, I would say.  In the nearly 40 years I have been here,  I have never seen this level of flooding. 

International Ministries has put out an appeal, if you would like to donate.  Some of the local ministries I am related to here will be managing those relief funds. 

The Thai people have been amazing.  Volunteers from the entire country have poured in. It is a time of working together and helping each other.  

We are monitoring the news from our neighboring countries, trying to find ways we can help as we know that the needs there will be greater than ours. 


Scott and Tan

Thailand Flooding September 2024

International Ministries has sent an initial grant of $20,000 in One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) emergency relief to partners that will provide humanitarian relief to the victims of the severe flooding devastating northern Thailand.

Catastrophic flooding has struck Chiang Rai province in northern Thailand, affecting more than 10,000 homes, according to news reports from the Bangkok Post. Some are calling it the worst flooding in 80 years, with the Kok River overflowing to submerge the entire business district of Chiang Rai city. Across Thailand, 48 provinces remain under flash flood warnings through September 18th, with the potential for further devastation.

International Ministries (IM) is deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of its global servants, partners in the region, and the communities they serve. The Williams and Coats families, IM global servants stationed in Chiang Rai, have been forced to flee their homes due to rising floodwaters.

IM Area Director for Southeast Asia and Japan Rev. Kyle Witmer describes the dire situation: “Our partners among the hill tribe peoples here have seen some devastating realities as rivers have overrun their banks on numerous occasions. Please prayerfully consider how God might use you to respond with love and care for those affected. Pray that in the midst of this difficult time, people will see the difference that a relationship with Jesus Christ makes in the lives of God’s children.”

With ongoing flood warnings, immediate needs for displaced families include food, clean water, and shelter, while longer-term efforts will focus on restoration and rebuilding. Kyle and Katrina Williams, IM global servants in Chiang Rai, have been providing updates on the situation as it unfolds. They are urgently asking for prayer and support. “Our community is overwhelmed. Many families are now living like refugees, uncertain of when they’ll be able to return to their homes and begin the daunting task of clean-up,” shared Kyle Williams.

IM calls for urgent prayer and support for all affected by the floods, especially for the families of its global servants and local partners. Financial gifts can be made in two ways:

  • To support community relief efforts, donations can be made through your American Baptist church, through giving online, or by sending checks directly to International Ministries. Please designate your contributions “OGHS–Thailand Floods” in the memo line of your check.
  • To support the IM global servants who have experienced personal losses, donations can be made online or by sending checks directly to International Ministries, designating your contributions “Global Servant Emergency Care” in the memo line of your check.

Checks sent directly to International Ministries should be made payable to “International Ministries” and mailed to:

International Ministries
Attn: Gifts Processing
1003 W 9th Avenue, Ste A
King of Prussia, PA 19406

All funds will directly assist those in need as they navigate this unprecedented disaster. Your prayers and financial support will make a significant difference in helping those affected by the devastating floods in Chiang Rai and across the country.

Heart for Harvest

September 22, 2024

Right after second service come and share a complementary meal and learn more about the missionaries FBC supports.

Please sign up at the table in the vestibule starting Sunday September 8, 2024.

If you have any questions contact Candy Waite 815-222-5740.

Kihomi Ngwemi andNzunga Mabudiga July 2024

Greeting from our rainy Altagracia.

Many of you have been wondering about the whereabout of Nzunga & Kihomi. We are in Altagracia, a small village/town about 30-45 minutes’ drive from Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic. Our house is about 5 minutes’ drive from the FINCA, the mission land where we will be building the church and eventually develop a youth camp.

We are in the full swing of activities. Meetings that go beyond 9, 10 PM. Visits of sick & shuts in. Yesterday, in our nightly meeting we put in place a new structure that will help develop the new church. The young pastor Benny was named Senior pastor seconded by his wife, a Palmer Seminary Master of Theology student, and 2 Haitian leaders.

Nzunga & Kihomi will be teaching every Tuesday and Friday while sharing the duties on Sundays. Also Kihomi will help develop some development projects to help members strengthen their financial economy.

The big challenge in this society is how to help people with no legal status in Dominican Republic. Here is the case that has been keeping us awake since we arrived. A young Haitian lady member of our New Creation Baptist Church has been shut in.

Why? She has a mass preventing her to urinate normally. She uses a Catheter but needs a surgical operation, but no hospital will take her in because she is illegal in the country and because of lack of funds.

Yesterday in our meeting we decided to call The Good Samaritan Hospital in La Romana about 4 hours away if they can take her in and we will volunteer to drive her over.

Thank you for praying for our emotional strength.

Yours in DR

Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Supporters,

When this was written they had been back in the DR for 8 days. The Energizer Bunny has nothing on them. What passion of the Lord and his people.

The building of the New Creation Baptist church has been delayed due to the torrential rain and the lack of an engineer. Evidently there is a building boom going on and finding an engineer is difficult. The DR has building codes just like here. Please pray for the rains to stop and for an engineer to become available.

As always, thank you for your support.


Dennis Shewell and the MPT team

Meet the Goods

A reception will be held for Global Servants, Rev. Jon and Amanda Good on Tuesday, April 30 at 7PM in the Common Grounds. They will be speaking about their former ministry in Hungary and their transition into Rome, Italy. They have been staying at Judson Univesity for their home deputation and will be leaving in July for Italy. All are welcome to come visit with them and hear their story. Light refreshments will be served.

Gabhart’s Update – March 2024

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens. Revelation 3:7 (ESV)
No matter how dark a situation gets, we worship and serve God, who is sovereign over all things and will not be thwarted. Whatever He plans, will be accomplished. It can be hard to watch as it plays out, but we can rest in the knowledge that God is working all things for His glory.

Teams going to the Bahamas on a mission’s trip

February has been a hard month in Haiti. National elections were supposed to occur on Wednesday, February 7th. Since the Haitian President was assassinated in July of 2021, the Prime Minister has governed the country. The gang activity has prevented elections. In February, one of the political opponents of the current government called for a revolution. This resulted in violent demonstrations occurring all over the country. MFI had to postpone several flights due to the unrest for the safety of our crew, passengers, and our Haitian workers. At the end of February, gun fire in the vicinity of the airport at Port-au-Prince prevented MFI from being able to complete the flight we had planned to end there. The United Nation’s multi-national force is currently in training to prepare to come in to address the gangs. This latest violence at the airport is designed to prevent the Prime Minster from returning to Port-au-Prince.

Wing pull inspection

Wing pull inspection
Something that we have recently learned is that the gangs are preventing the children from attending school. Many of the schools in Haiti are run by Christian missions and the gangs have been threatening to shoot the schools that continue to meet. Please pray for safety for the schools that defy the gangs and that the gangs will have a change of heart towards their fellow countrymen. This is a very hard time for most of Haiti. There are some communities that are isolated from the violence, but they are becoming fewer as the gang activity spreads. Please continue to pray for the safety of the missionaries who have remained. Please pray for wisdom for MFI leadership to know when to go and when to stay so that we can continue to support those doing the vital kingdom work in Haiti.Thank you for your faithfulness in love, prayers, and support as we serve at MFI.

James and Sam Gabhart
March is a month of celebration in our house.  This month Jonny turns 16!  Several of you may be curious, but no, he has no desire to drive at this time. So, instead of a license for his 16th birthday, we are getting him a State ID.  He’s reached the age where getting used to carrying identification is a really good thing.  Also, for his birthday, our church has an incredible concert series that is coming. We are all going and it will be incredible.  One artist, Cliff Preston, was at our church in December for the Christmas Concert, and he is a great up and coming artist.  His band, The Band Table will be performing, and Stars Go Dim too. Here’s what is so exciting, our church’s youth group is opening and performing original songs.  What an opportunity for them, and for us to be able to support them for Jonny’s birthday.

Jonny turns 16!
We are so excited for another opportunity with our church coming up this summer. Our youth group is participating in a mission’s outreach camp trip up to Liberty University.  The entire camp is focused on missions and service projects.  Chris and Abby are looking forward to going.  Jonny has chosen to stay home this time because of not wanting to be too far from home for as long as this camp is.

Abby and Chris excited to be going on the summer camp missions trip!
Marriage Date Night

With a camp like this comes costs, and fundraisers too.  We find out more of what that will look like soon, but our “littles” will be sending out support letters to help be able to fund this trip. This will be Abby’s first trip with the youth, and as of this trip, we will have 3 kids in youth group. It is incredible to think how fast time has flown, and just how blessed we are by having three, incredible kids who love Jesus. 

Prayer Requests

Kathy’s surgery was postponed for now. Pray the items that need addressed can be done quickly, and that she can feel even more confident in having it done.Prayer for our desire to have a home of our own, and the ability to keep saving for itPrayer for MFI, the needed wisdom in filling open positions, and for God to provide the correct people to fill themPraise that our vehicles are still holding on and getting us where we need to goPraise for our faithful supporters, both in prayer and financially. Prayer for God to bless their consistency to support the work He is doingPraise for our church encouraging our youth kids to not be afraid to follow where God is calling themMinistry UpdateWe are so thankful to all who are following God’s leading in supporting us. We currently receive $5,800 (95%) in monthly commitments.  We need an additional $300 to be fully supported.Online Giving: Checks to:
3170 Airmans Driv
Fort Pierce, FL 34946 
Memo: Gabharts #2837

Request From The Stanton’s – Please Pray for Teri-néni

Teréz recently celebrated her 80th birthday. She suffered a nasty fall several months ago and fractured some vertebrates in her back, and she hasn’t fully recovered. Now she has pneumonia. Today I told her we have 500+ friends who would pray for her! She loved the idea. Please take a moment to pray for our dear “aunt” Teri.

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We visited Teri at Christmas time. This was the first time I had seen her since before Covid. Her dear husband, Antál, died in the first Covid wave. She misses him terribly. Please pray for her loneliness, too.

Cool rims

Teri, like most ladies, loves Larry. Every time he goes to Serbia, he visits her. You may remember Larry’s story from a while ago of cutting trees in Teri’s yard, and afterward she cooked him a completely home-grown meal–then cleaned his muddy boots.

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Since we’ve known Teri for many years, she has welcomed special guests, like our area director, Charles Jones. She always asks when Larry is coming back to Serbia.

Cool rims

Teri really misses fellowship with her friends and church family. Since her fall in the autumn, she hasn’t been able to attend church. Please pray for her comfort during her time of recovery.

On earth as it is in heaven
Matthew 6:10